The Lost Spring is going abroad yet it doesn't plan on getting lost behind borders! We went to Berlin to see the Open Door Day at UdK - Universität der Künste Berlin, the local art uni. We got lucky. While admiring student work that was being installed right in front of our eyes, among busy illustrators who were finishing their expositions we saw Mr. Henning Wagenbreth - well-known German illustrator and head of Atelier of illustration. He was so kind that he supported us by buying our book and even asked us to sign it for him :)
čtvrtek 28. července 2016
Ztracené jaro v Německu /// The Lost Spring in Germany
Ztracené jaro se vydává do světa, ale ztratit se v něm nehodlá! Rozjely jsme se do Berlína na den otevřených dveří UdK - místní umělecké univerzity (Universität der Künste Berlin). Štěstí nám přálo a zatímco jsme obdivovaly instalaci studentských prací, mezi kmitajícími ilustrátory, dolaďujícími své expozice, se objevil pan Henning Wagenbreth - známý německý ilustrátor a vedoucí ateliéru ilustrace. Byl natolik milý, že nás podpořil koupí knížky a nechal si ji i podepsat :)
The Lost Spring is going abroad yet it doesn't plan on getting lost behind borders! We went to Berlin to see the Open Door Day at UdK - Universität der Künste Berlin, the local art uni. We got lucky. While admiring student work that was being installed right in front of our eyes, among busy illustrators who were finishing their expositions we saw Mr. Henning Wagenbreth - well-known German illustrator and head of Atelier of illustration. He was so kind that he supported us by buying our book and even asked us to sign it for him :)
The Lost Spring is going abroad yet it doesn't plan on getting lost behind borders! We went to Berlin to see the Open Door Day at UdK - Universität der Künste Berlin, the local art uni. We got lucky. While admiring student work that was being installed right in front of our eyes, among busy illustrators who were finishing their expositions we saw Mr. Henning Wagenbreth - well-known German illustrator and head of Atelier of illustration. He was so kind that he supported us by buying our book and even asked us to sign it for him :)
neděle 24. července 2016
Ztracené jaro - Představuje se knížka Saki Matsumoto a Anny Bobrekové /// The Lost Spring - Introducing the book of Saki Matsumoto and Anna Sophia Bobreková
Po reportážním projektu Pes a jeho pán/ paní jsme se spolu se Saki pustily do něčeho většího. A to rovnou do knížky! Saki se totiž rozhodla, že by svou diplomovou prací ráda vyjádřila rozdílný způsob, jakým Japonci a Češi vnímají přírodu. A protože máme obě rády japonskou a českou mytologii, bylo jasné, že v našem příběhu se to bude jen hemžit nadpřirozenými bytostmi, přírodními duchy a božstvy. Jde o pohádku pro děti, a tak nechybí ani dětský hrdina, který se přidá ke dobrodružství dvou japonských kami v české kotlině. O co v příběhu jde, nebudeme zatím prozrazovat! Potkáte se v něm s Hejkalem, dvěma liščími božstvy jménem Inari a Miketsu, zakletým Sovím klukem, Vodníkem, vílou Prvosenkou a duchem Masopustem. Ztracené jaro ušlo od prvotního námětu obří kus cesty (někdy se z mého pohledu trochu vleklo, případně rovnou klopýtalo), aby triumfálně zakotvilo na 50 stranách bohatě ilustrovaného paperbacku. Jde o ruční práci, proto je počet výtisků zatím omezený. Jak můžete vidět z přiložené galerie, sešíváme a lepíme jednotlivé knížky samy :) Na podzim připravujeme také anglickou verzi knížky!
After finishing the report about dogs and their owners, Saki and I decided to create something much bigger. A book! In her diploma work, Saki wanted to introduce a different perception that Japanese and Czech people have of nature. Both of us like Japanese and Czech mythology so it was clear that our story-world will be inhabited by supernatural creatures, ghosts of nature and gods. Of course there will be a child hero joining two Japanese kami on their adventure in Bohemia, as it is a fairy tale for children. We won´t be sharing details of the story yet. However, you will meet Heikal (Czech forest ghost), two fox gods called Inari and Miketsu, enchanted Owl-kid, Waterman, the Primrose fairy and a Masopust ghost. The Lost Spring experienced a long journey since the original idea. In my point of view, it was sometimes going slowly and at times even stumbling but it eventually landed on 50 pages of richly illustrated paperback. It is a hand work so the amount of copies is limited. As you can see from the gallery, we are sewing and binding books by ourselves. The English version of the book is coming this fall!
Ztracené jaro je teprve na začátku! Těšte se na další příspěvky! /// The Lost Spring is only beginning its journey! More posts are coming :)
After finishing the report about dogs and their owners, Saki and I decided to create something much bigger. A book! In her diploma work, Saki wanted to introduce a different perception that Japanese and Czech people have of nature. Both of us like Japanese and Czech mythology so it was clear that our story-world will be inhabited by supernatural creatures, ghosts of nature and gods. Of course there will be a child hero joining two Japanese kami on their adventure in Bohemia, as it is a fairy tale for children. We won´t be sharing details of the story yet. However, you will meet Heikal (Czech forest ghost), two fox gods called Inari and Miketsu, enchanted Owl-kid, Waterman, the Primrose fairy and a Masopust ghost. The Lost Spring experienced a long journey since the original idea. In my point of view, it was sometimes going slowly and at times even stumbling but it eventually landed on 50 pages of richly illustrated paperback. It is a hand work so the amount of copies is limited. As you can see from the gallery, we are sewing and binding books by ourselves. The English version of the book is coming this fall!
Jak se váže knížka? /// Binding the book.
Ze skicáku ilustrátorky Saki /// From Saki´s sketchbook:
Prezentace hotové knížky na výstavě absolventských prací UMPRUM /// Presentation of the finished book at the diploma exhibition of UMPRUM in Prague:
vysmáté autorky ("Hurá, ten nejtěžší kus máme za sebou! Nebo ne?") ///
happy authors ("Yay, we are done with the most difficult part! Or are we?!")
Jak vznikalo Ztracené jaro? /// How did we make The Lost Spring?
Pracovat na knížce není žádná sranda! Zahrnovalo to schůzky v oduševnělých kavárnách, sledování referenčních filmů (Mijazakiho Cesta do fantazie a Totoro), studování předchozí knížky Saki (liščí Škola v Baraumi). Bylo potřeba nakreslit hodně skic a vyzkoušet různé techniky (Saki). Hodně jsem psala, přepisovala a dostávala poznámky k příběhu od našich skvělých, pro věc zapálených učitelů Juraje Horvátha a Vojty Maška. Saki dokonce upekla sušenky s příchutí čaje matcha, aby nás udržela při životě!
Creating a book is not an easy task! There were meetings in inspiring cafés, watching reference movies (Miyazaki´s Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro) and studying Saki´s previous work (Fox School in Baraumi). There were lots and lots and lots and lots of sketching, trying out different techniques (Saki). There was a lot of writing, re-writing and getting notes on the story from our amazing, dedicated tutors Juraj Horváth and Vojtěch Mašek. Saki even baked matcha cookies to keep us going!
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